Name: {{sub.fname}} {{sub.lname}}
This request has been converted to a project. Project ID: {{sub.project_id}}
This request has marked as complete without processing.
This client has been associated with the existing project(s) and consultant(s) that were selected, but no new project was created.
No project was associated with this project, but any consultants that were identified have been emailed.
Customer Information
Email: {{}}
Org type: {{}}
IU Net ID: {{sub.username}}
Company: {{}}
Preferred consultant: {{sub.preferred_consultant}}
Existing project? {{sub.existing_project_flag==1?'Y':'N'}}
Billing Type (id): {{sub.project_billing_type}} ({{sub.project_billing_type_id}})
Description: {{sub.description}}
Position: {{sub.position}}
Phone: {{}}
Request Tier: {{sub.tier}}
Campus: {{sub.campus}}
School: {{}}
Dept: {{sub.department}}
Company address: {{sub.company_address}}
Advisor: {{sub.adfname}} {{sub.adlname}}
Advisor email: {{sub.ademail}}
Analyis: {{sub.is_dataanal==1? 'Y' : 'N'}}
Design: {{sub.is_design==1? 'Y' : 'N'}}
Dissertation: {{sub.is_dissertation==1? 'Y' : 'N'}}
Manuscript: {{sub.is_grant_manuscript_writing==1? 'Y' : 'N'}}
Grant related: {{sub.is_grant_related==1? 'Y' : 'N'}}
Honors prep: {{sub.is_honorsprep==1? 'Y' : 'N'}}
Thesis: {{sub.is_masterthesis==1? 'Y' : 'N'}}
Presentation: {{sub.is_presentation==1? 'Y' : 'N'}}
Other: {{sub.is_other==1? 'Y' : 'N'}}

Times available: {{sub.daystimes}}
How customer heard about us: {{sub.heard}}
Insert date: {{sub.insert_date}}
Update date: {{sub.update_date}}

ISCC Project Processing
Identify Customer
Unable to add this user as a new IU client becasue the IU username is missing.

A client list is active for another submission. To enable search criteria for this submission, select a click the Clear Search button in the submission that currently has an active search or select a client from the client list for that submission.

Search Existing Customers for Customer ID
Username Name Campus School Deparment Position Company
Select {{client.username}} {{client.client_name}} {{client.campus_name}} {{client.school_name}} {{client.department_name}} {{client.client_position}} {{client.company_name}}
Client to be assigned to this request:{{existingClient[sub.submit_num].name}}
Hours for Tier {{sub.tier}}: {{tierHours[sub.submit_num]}}
* max hours exceeded

Identify Consultant(s)
Name Role Username Primary?
Remove {{c.consultant_name}} {{c.consultant_role}} {{c.username}} Yes Make Primary
New Project
Associate Client To Existing Project
A project list is active for another submission. To enable search criteria for this submission, select or click the Clear Search button in the submission that currently has an active search or select a project from the project list for that submission.
Search Existing Projects
Project ID Client Project Consultant Latest
Select {{project.project_id}} {{project.client_first_name}} {{project.client_last_name}} ({{project.client_username}}) {{project.project_title}} {{project.consultant_name}} {{project.latest_date}}
This client will be associated with the following project(s):
Project ID Client Project Consultant Latest
Remove {{p.project_id}} {{p.client_first_name}} {{p.client_last_name}} ({{p.client_username}}) {{p.project_title}} {{p.consultant_name}} {{p.latest_date}}
No submissions to process.